Thursday, April 16, 2009

Love Letter

When I kissed your cheek I had hoped the love I still have for you was understood. I don't claim to know what you are going through and I hope I never have to. If nothing else I would hope this experience can be a defining point for you. I had never seen you look so weak before. When I was in high-school I thought you could do anything. You told me you loved me, I don't think you understood what that meant. You had me convinced though. I don't blame you for not understanding the bonds of family. I do not expect someone who's family dissolved to understand what family does for each other. I was hoping you would try, now I see things will never be the same. The rules have changed, I hope you have as well. If you come out of this experience the same person, I will not give up on you, but I will prepare myself for the worst case scenario. I will always keep the picture of me sitting on your lap, no more than three years old, and you, probably 12, reading me a Sesame Street picture book before bed. You will always be that portrait of love to me, because I know it is still inside of you.

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