Monday, January 26, 2009

List for Living

This is my first blog, ever. It is an exciting time in my life. I'm sure anyone else blogging for the first time feels similar. Anyways this is my list of 20 words to live by. I hope everyone enjoys my carefully picked answers. 
1. Nostalgia-A sentimental or wistful affection for the past typically for a period or place with happy personal association 
2. Propinquity-The state of being close to somebody or something: proximity 
3. Glabrous-Free from hair or down, smooth
4. Hypochondria-Abnormal anxiety about ones health.
5. Inerrant-Incapable of being wrong.
6. Cantankerous-Bad tempered, argumentative and uncooperative.
7. Utopia-An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
8. Soliloquy-An act of speaking ones thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers. 
9. Facetious-Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
10. Archaic-Very old or old fashioned.
11. Carny-A person who works in a carnival or amusement show.
12. Altruism-The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well being of others.
13. Coalesce-Come together and form one mass or whole.
14. Paradigm-A typical example or pattern of something; a model.
15. Ethereal-Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems to perfect for this world. 
16. Chrysalis-A quiescent insect pupa.
17. Catharsis-The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
18. Inkling-A slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint.
19. Crepuscular-Of, resembling, or relating to twilight.
20. Clandestine-Kept secret or done secretively.

Thats it! And it actually took me way longer than I thought it would.  

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