Monday, March 23, 2009


With an ancestry dating back as far as the Aztec King, Montezuma, it is hard for him to take life for granted. A nationality split down the middle. A true son of the Southwest is born and raised in the Southwest; therefore one could label him a true son of the Southwest. He has never known anyone who would apply such a name to him. His paternal lineage traces back to the heart of Mexico. His maternal lineage bears no resemblance to his fathers, hailing from the Netherlands. Although both his mother and father are in America because of immigration, only the immigrants on his father’s side are looked down upon. The racial slur "wetback" comes from people like paternal great great grandparents. His ancestors crossing the Rio Grande is a driving catalyst behind his existence.

Hard work is in his blood. Nothing has ever started out easy, from the day his great great grandfather began picking Sunkist oranges in the hot Mexican groves. With hard work and diligence over long periods of time, actions and reactions fall into place. Throughout his ancestry and even for himself, honesty and real contribution to society is not immediately reciprocated. It may take years if not decades for karma to manifest itself.

Even the best fiction writer could not have created the cast that is his family. A lawyer, a nurse, a few full blown alcoholics, a gay therapist, a gay opera singer and even an old man once investigated by the F.B.I for selling a jet to a drug dealer. These people make up the eccentric cast of his family. Everyone is hoping he turns out somewhat normal.